• Address: 117105, Moscow,
    Nagatinskaya street, 1

  • Call Us: +7 (800) 600 53-52

About us

LLC MetanEG is a private investor and operator of compressed natural gas (CNG) infrastructure in the domestic market of the Russian Federation. The company has been the rights holder of JSC Artmetan Group since January 2024.

The main activities of the company are design, construction and operation of automatic compressor station gas fillers.

Stages of work

  • 1 stage
    Awesome Image


    The requirements of safety, environmental standards and customer needs are taken into account.

    2 stage
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    Supply and installation of equipment for gas stations, including all necessary components.

  • 3 stage
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    Connecting gas stations to existing fuel distribution networks.


MetanEG team designs and builds automatic compressor station gas fillers throughout the Russian Federation in a short period of time.
• We perform the function of a technical customer.
• We make sure the construction of automatic compressor station gas fillers is in compliance with all regulatory requirements and environmental standards.
• We ensure the development of compressed natural gas infrastructure.

  • 1

    3 months

  • 2

    4 months

  • 3


В рамках эксплуатации АЗС

Доп. функции

Выполняем функцию технического заказчика

Модернизация автозаправки

Модернизация под требования рынка, перепрофилирование с одного вида топлива под другое.

Обеспечение работ с минимальными простоями

Обеспечение проведения текущих регламентных работ с минимальными простоями, не останавливая работу АЗС. При невозможности провести регламентные работы без остановки комплекса делаем свою работу в ночное время или в то время, когда поток клиентов минимален.

Широкий спектр

press center

Information report on the reorganization of the company

In January 2024, Joint Stock Company Artmetan Group was reorganized ...

Gazprom gas engine fuel and AMG will develop a network of methane gas stations

The agreement on the implementation of franchise projects was signed for the first time ...

The Russian University of Transport, AMG and Green Drive intend to jointly develop technologies of "Green" transport and road service in Russia

The Russian University of Transport (RUT (MIIT)), the leading industrial university of the country, ...

Natural gas for environmental transport

Creation of a network of automobile gas - filling compressor stations in our country ...

Growing together: promotion and efficiency

"How to save on fuel?" — asks a businessman engaged in ...

Methane is the fuel of the future

Methane is a natural gas that is used as...